ErrorException[ Warning ]: number_format() expects parameter 1 to be double, string given

/usr/share/nginx/ext/platform/control/seller.php[ 62 ]

57 	$strPageTitle="信誉等级-".$shopTitle."-".$_K['html_title'];
58 	$strPageKeyword="($arrSellerInfo[username]的店铺,$arrSellerInfo[username]的信誉等级)";
59 	$strPageDescription=$arrSellerInfo['seo_desc'];
60 }
61 $incomeCash = db_factory::query(sprintf('SELECT sum(fina_cash) as cash FROM `'.TABLEPRE.'witkey_finance` where to_days( NOW( ) ) - to_days( FROM_UNIXTIME( fina_time ) ) <=90  and fina_type="in" and (fina_action="sale_service" or fina_action="task_bid" or fina_action="sale_gy") and uid = %s',$arrSellerInfo['uid']));
62 $incomeCash = number_format($incomeCash[0][cash],2);
63 $arrAuthItems = keke_auth_base_class::get_auth_item (NULL,NULL,1);
64 $arrSellerInfo ['user_type'] == 2 and $strUncode = 'realname' or $strUncode = "enterprise";
65 $arrAuthInfos = keke_auth_fac_class::get_submit_auth_record ( $arrSellerInfo['uid'], 1 );
66 $arrAuthInfos = kekezu::get_arr_by_key ( $arrAuthInfos, "auth_code" );
67 $arrSellerLevel = unserialize($arrSellerInfo['seller_level']);
  1. /usr/share/nginx/ext/platform/index.php [ 142 ] » require ( arguments )

  2. /usr/share/nginx/ext/platform/control/seller.php [ 62 ] » number_format ( arguments )

  3. PHP internal call » keke_core_class::error_handler ( arguments )
